
Planned Giving

The Charles Keller III Society

The Charles Keller III Society is named in honor of Charles Keller III ’53, who made the largest planned gift to Newman. This recognition society honors alumni, parents, grandparents, former parents and friends of Newman who have expressed their commitment to the mission of the School by naming the School as a beneficiary of a planned gift. Gifts to the Charles Keller III Society ensure that future generations will benefit from the Newman educational experience. Donors will also be able to continue their legacy of giving.

Making a charitable bequest may allow you to support Newman more significantly than you could during your lifetime. By making a gift in your will, either with a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or specific assets, you can shape the future of Newman by passing on a legacy to future generations. Moreover, your gift to Newman is free of federal estate tax, as well as inheritance tax in most states.

Other planned gifts may offer both immediate and future tax advantages while supporting Newman. There are several ways to structure a charitable trust which will provide income to you or your designee for life, or which will provide income to the School while you retain ownership. You may choose to name Newman as the beneficiary of an Individual Retirement Plan, and the funds will usually pass to Newman outside of probate and free of all taxes. A gift of life insurance affords you the opportunity to leverage premium payments into a substantial gift to the School. If you have already provided for Newman in your will or estate plans and would like to be recognized as a member of the Charles Keller III Society, or should you wish to be an unpublished or anonymous member, or if you are interested in learning more about these options, please contact Mary Hoffman Peters, Director of Advancement, at 504.896.6425 or for more information.
Caroline Frances Baker '50*
Paul M. Batiza '66
George Bechtel '22*
Theodore Neal Boden '56*
James P. Boldrick '56
Philip deV. Claverie
Robert E. Craig III '47
Andrew Michael Darlington '05
Moise W. Dennery '31*
H. Chandler Elliott Trust
Clifford F. Favrot, Jr. '40*
Melanie Pulitzer Feldman '55*
Louis Y. Fishman '59
Mary S. Fitzpatrick*
Henry Waller Fowler, Jr. '24*
Frank Friedler, Jr. '51*
Judithanne Brandau Fuentes '60
Leslie Rubin Graf '69
Karen “Kitty” Jacobson Greenberg*
Van Eaton Hart '35*
Byrde Berenson Haspel*
Robert C. Hills '28*
Harry T. Howard III*
Hyslop Shannon Foundation
Jerome M. Jacobs '60
Leslie Rosenthal Jacobs '77
Scott B. Jacobs
Benson A. Kansas '51*
Brian Kaplan
Charles Keller III '53*
Herman S. Kohlmeyer, Jr. '49
Lawrence S. Kullman '66
Stephen B. Lemann*
Donald Irwin Levy '58
Caroline Keller Loughlin '57
Kerry K. Luft '82
Herbert Morton*
Erin Elizabeth Catherine O'Brien '98
Judie Oudt
J. Michael Pereira
Alan ’56* and Arlene H. Philipson
Sabrina Forman Pilant '88
Carol McClaughry Pointer '77
David T. Pointer '77
Nicholas J. Polites '54*
Vada O. Reynolds*
John Karlem Riess ’29*
David M. Rubenstein '58
Selma Bauer Simon '35*
Vivian Smith*
Ellen Kierr Stein '65
David L. Stone '57*
Melissa Skertich Sutherlin '98
Dorothy L. Tarver
Thaddeus Lamar Teaford, Jr. '94
Ann Thorpe Thompson '74
Bernard Titche, Jr. '10*
William Anthony Ullman '50*
Gene L. Usdin*
Kathleen Moore Vick*
Andrew C. Villere '89*
Patricia Brown Waters '46*
Donald R. Wellford '41
Charles D. Zucker*

The charitable IRA rollover legislation allows you to transfer lifetime gifts up to $100,000 using funds from your individual retirement account (IRA) without undesirable tax effects.

Making IRA Contributions

You may contribute funds this way if:

  • You are age 70½ or older at the time of the gift.
  • You made a qualified charitable distribution of any amount up to $100,000 in 2012 or make a qualified charitable distribution before Feb. 1, 2013, which may count retroactively for 2012.
  • You make a qualified charitable distribution of any amount up to $100,000 on or before Dec. 31, 2013, to qualify for 2013.
  • You transfer funds directly from an IRA.1
  • You transfer the gifts outright to one or more qualified charities, but not to supporting organizations, or for gift annuities, charitable trusts, donor advised funds or any gift from which you receive a personal benefit.

It is wise to consult with your tax professionals if you are contemplating a charitable gift under the extended law. Please feel free to contact Jenny Aschaffenburg Williamson, Major Gifts Officer, at 504-896-6368 or with any questions you may have.

1 Because this legislation was enacted in January 2013, a special transition rule allows individuals who took a distribution from their IRA in December 2012 to make a gift to a qualified charitable organization prior to Feb. 1, 2013, and treat that as a direct transfer. 

Copyright © The Stelter Company, All rights reserved. 

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For legal or tax advice, please consult an attorney. Figures cited in examples are for hypothetical purposes only and are subject to change. References to estate and income taxes apply to federal taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results.

Common Questions

List of 8 frequently asked questions.

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