Newman is in the early stages of an exciting initiative to secure a bright future for our students in the areas of science and technology, the arts, scholarships, and general endowment. In the near future you will hear how you can be a part of this transformational campaign. Please check back for updates.


In 1903, Isidore Newman made the first capital gift of $75,000 to purchase the land and build a school.

A capital gift is one that is earmarked for a specific project. These gifts are from donors who choose to direct their support toward a specific purpose that matches the needs and priorities of the School with their personal interests.

Each building and space on the Newman’s campus has been made available to our students as the result of a capital gift to the School by parents, alumni and friends. One only needs to read the names on the rooms and buildings and wonder about the stories that have made such gifts possible. It’s important that our current families continue this tradition of giving so we can maintain an up-to-date campus for today’s students.

Capital gifts can be made in honor or in memory of a family member or friend or to celebrate a special event. Capital gifts are typically given in addition to an individual’s annual contribution to the School and may be given for small or large projects. To inquire about making a capital gift to Newman, please contact Mary Hoffman, Associate Director of Advancement, at 504.896.6425 or


Bequests are a simple and popular way for donors to make gifts to support educational endowments. Most of the major endowments in the United States, such as those at Stanford, Duke, Harvard, and Princeton were built through major bequests from founders and succeeding generations of donors. Investing in the Newman Endowment is a wonderful way to leave a legacy at Newman that will support students and faculty far into the future.


The outstanding education that Newman offers is becoming more expensive. We are challenged to keep tuition at levels which are affordable, while at the same time expanding funds to attract the best and brightest students and teachers to the School. Our answer to these financial challenges is to focus on the long term. We must build a strong financial base to secure the future of Newman by substantially increasing the size of Newman’s endowment.

The term “endowment” is used to describe funds that are set aside for the long-term benefit of the School. For a family, it might be called a savings or investment account.

In 2009, The Isidore Newman School Foundation was created as a separate 501(c)(3) organization whose purpose is to support Isidore Newman School by administering, developing, and investing an endowment fund for the sole benefit of the School. The Foundation is managed by an independent Foundation board. Throughout Newman’s history, endowment funds have been established for unrestricted and specific purposes to directly benefit the School. Currently, the endowment spending policy is 5% of a 12-Quarter rolling average. 
Gifts to The Isidore Newman School Foundation allow Newman to save and anticipate for the future. Gifts to the endowment may be unrestricted or may support a specific initiative or program like scholarships, faculty support, or specific academic or extra-curricular programs. Newman’s endowment is nearly $43.1 million. Endowment gifts provide essential budgetary support in perpetuity.
1903 Jefferson Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: 504.899.5641
Fax: 504.896.8597
Open 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday
An independent,
non-denominational day
school in New Orleans for
early childhood through 12th grade