Our Program

High Performance

Newman’s High Performance Program allows Newman Upper School students to develop and strengthen athletic skills through regular training with a full-time, in-house High Performance coach. This sophisticated training program is led by Coach Dakota Coats.
High Performance instills proper training and recovery principles in order to elicit the highest performance out of each athlete on competition day. The program teaches students about their physical capabilities and how best to prepare for the demands of competition. Students grow as athletes and reach new levels excellence on the field of play.
The High Performance Program develops athletes first and sport-specific players second. This holistic approach includes strength and power training, speed and agility development, and mental training and teaches students to make good decisions from a physiological, nutritional, and recovery standpoint. This program teaches responsibility, strong team relationships, determination, sacrifice, dedication, and work ethic.
This is an ever-growing and evolving process throughout each student’s four-year term within the High Performance Program.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Dakota Coats

    Dakota Coats 

    High Performance Coach
1903 Jefferson Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: 504.899.5641
Fax: 504.896.8597
Open 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday
An independent,
non-denominational day
school in New Orleans for
early childhood through 12th grade