School Life
Student Counseling

Middle School Human Development

Following the sequence of the Lower School guidance classes, the Middle School Human Development curriculum continues to explore topics within the context of Newman’s Core Values.”
Students are asked to consider the following questions throughout their experience in the course: What do the Core Values mean to me? How do I practice these values in my daily life? How do my values affect my decisions?

The Middle School Human Development course occurs throughout the academic year for all Middle School students. The curriculum includes age-appropriate lessons to promote character development and to educate students about topics relating to health and wellness; technology and media; peer-relations; and the challenges they may face as pre-adolescents.

List of 3 items.

  • Sixth Grade

    The sixth grade course specifically addresses the following topics: adjustment to Middle School, positive self-regard, peer relationships, friendships, teasing, bullying, inclusion and exclusion, communication, puberty, body image, nutrition, and fitness. The course includes a particular emphasis on the uses and abuses of technology, including the following: cyber-bullying, sexting, texting, inappropriate website access, privacy, and digital citizenship.
  • Seventh Grade

    The seventh grade course includes discussions about leadership, peer-influence, and character. Students also further discuss topics of digital citizenship issues introduced in the sixth grade course, with a more in-depth exploration of online safety, responsible technology use, and personal media habits.
  • Eighth Grade

    The eighth grade course addresses ways students may make healthy decisions for themselves while considering how their values may guide their decisions. Specifically the course includes lessons and discussions about wellness topics such as sexual development and sexual health, nutrition and fitness, body image and self-esteem, eating disorders, and substance abuse education and prevention. Counselors utilize the most current adolescent brain research in a discussion of substance abuse education and prevention. Students also review topics of online safety and responsible technology use covered during the sixth and seventh grade courses.
1903 Jefferson Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: 504.899.5641
Fax: 504.896.8597
Open 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday
An independent,
non-denominational day
school in New Orleans for
early childhood through 12th grade