Board Position on DEI

Position on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Newman Board of Governors

Consistent with ISAS standards, the Board of Governors seeks to ensure that Newman fosters an environment of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at school and among the Newman community. Our School continues to be unequivocal in actively opposing racism in all forms. An important aspect of the Newman experience is based on building relationships across a diverse group of people. These relationships provide the trust to engage in difficult and complex conversations and lead to a better understanding of different perspectives and allow us to embrace the humanity in one another.


Diversity is defined as the wide range of characteristics that contribute to a person’s identity including, but not limited to, ethnicity, race, gender, religion, age, ability, sexual orientation, and socio-economic background.

Equity is defined as fair treatment and processes that ensure equal access to opportunity. As a function of fairness, equity ensures that people have what they need to participate in school life and realize their potential.

Inclusion is defined as belonging and means that each student feels accepted, empowered, and affirmed.

Position on Diversity:
  • The Board firmly embraces and strongly advocates diversity at Newman in the student body, school leadership, faculty, staff, and board.
  • The Board believes diversity is an important component of a Newman education, exposing students to diverse viewpoints and experiences. Diversity benefits the entire community and prepares graduates to thrive in a global economy and a diverse world.
  • The Board believes that a diverse faculty and administration bring varied life experiences and viewpoints beneficial to all students and enriches the Newman community. Students should see themselves represented in all levels of the Newman faculty, administration, and staff.
  • The pace of increasing diversity will be guided by the qualitative judgment of the Board and the administration with continued input from the Newman community. The goal is to increase diversity across all constituencies in ways that are consistent with the school’s mission and high standards.
  • The school administration will report regularly to the Board on its efforts and progress in increasing diversity.

Position on Equity:

  • All students should have equal access to the opportunities and resources at Newman School. Given that students and families have a range of access to resources, both financial and otherwise, Newman will strive to provide compensating school-related resources to the extent possible.
  • All students are held to the high expectations and challenges of a Newman education.
  • Newman strives to provide individualized social and emotional support that addresses the diverse range of student experiences and needs. It is important for students and their families to be made aware of resources that are available to them, and how to access them.
  • Newman has high expectations for student behavior. Teachers and school administrators will address mistakes and behavior inconsistent with school policy in an equitable and consistent manner to ensure that all students are treated fairly.

Position on Inclusion:

  • Newman values each individual. Our goal is for each individual to have a strong sense of belonging. All members of the Newman community should feel included, appreciated, seen, known, and heard.
  • Newman should have an inclusive, balanced curriculum that provides a diversity of voices and viewpoints to reflect the history, experiences and cultures of all people.  The curriculum should be broad-based, recognizing the different perspectives that students bring to intellectual inquiry and engagement.
  • All members of the community adhere to the Newman Principles for Civil Discourse in expressing and discussing ideas and perspectives, while recognizing that behavior that violates our policies against violence, discrimination, harassment and hate is not acceptable.  We encourage curiosity and open mindedness in engaging with ideas that are different from our own.
  • Newman strives to create a more inclusive, civil and unifying environment so that acceptance and support of all students and members of the community, no matter their differences, is a natural extension of school culture. 
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